DS CMS (Web Application and Online Store Management System)
DS CMS is based on the Symfony framework. The web system is easy to learn, flexible and modern. Through our system, users receive full functionality for their website or online store.
The admin panel is easy and intuitive. You can read the project and the documentation of the admin panel here:
Each customer receives different documentation depending on what modules are installed or made for their web system.
The capabilities of DS CMS are:
Arrange the menu structure
Full menu management
Ability to add different pages from different modules without the intervention of programmers.
Customers have the opportunity to add additional pages from various pre-created modules. So they have the freedom to configure more pages. Example: add more services that were not available at the beginning of the site creation, etc.
Product management
Through the DS Products module, you have the ability to add, edit, delete or deactivate products. The module allows you to intuitively arrange and view products when they are in different categories. You can also, if desired, manage the availability of products in the online store.
Error notification system
The system is built into all versions of DS CMS. Through it, we receive a notification as soon as an error occurs while working with the web system. In this way, it is unnecessary for the customer to notify us of any errors and explain what steps he has taken. Our error tracking system gives us complete information about the error.
Management of users and user groups
The DS Users module takes care of this functionality. Through it you get flexible functionality under the rights of each of your users who will have access to the admin panel.
SEO search engine optimization
The DS SEO module will allow you to make your site and online store according to the latest SEO rules provided by Google.
AMP module (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
DS AMP will transform your pages into AMP pages that can be better indexed on Google. This way, when visiting the Google results page, the user will instantly load your site, using Google's special cache mechanism.
Photo optimization
DS Images will allow your site or online store to upload photos as quickly as possible. The module further processes the photos by reducing their size without compromising their quality. Uses the modern webp format if it is supported by the user's browser. If it is not supported, the photo is loaded with the extension png or jpeg.