MPS ERP system

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For one of the best projection mapping companies, we created an ERP system to manage order status and track machine service activities. The system is web-based and accessible from any device with internet access.

Some of the modules in the ERP system are the following:

  1. Administration module - contains information and submodules for management and access - system menus, module administration. This module also includes several sub-modules:

1.1.1. Users module – entering information about the different types of users who will have access to the system. It contains names, passwords, and an option to activate and suspend access, assigning the user to the relevant group.

1.1.2. Module User groups - diversification of access according to users, names and adding types of users according to their role in production.

  1. Dashboard module - quick access to important information in the company's processes - e.g. active orders, or unfinished orders with deadlines, complete order information and control colour setting - e.g. red for approaching deadlines or outstanding receivables.
  2. Clients module - entering information about clients, client data Name, Surname, Company names, EIC, telephone, logo, address, additional files related to clients - invoices, orders, and references attached to it.
  3. Employees module - entering information about each employee, Names, and type of position held.
  4. Products module – structured information about the created products, name, and description of the product.
  5. Orders module - order entry, structuring and processing of order information, Order status - new, in process, completed, duration of production /*from date to date/, types of materials used, name of employee/s, who lead the order, value, final date for order execution.
  6. Documentation and Storage module - processes and stores all documents for each individual order - files with visualization, links in the cloud, permits, cost documents - attached files to the order
  7. Reports and graphs – reports and graphs by date, customer, employee or orders, structured information presented in tabular or graphical form, selection of period, name, search type, selection of presentation type – graph – pie chart/column type, information in tabular form with an option to export to an excel file.

9. Module Machines for repair - enters and processes information about machines in need of repair and troubleshooting, cost of their repair, deadline for repair, the start date of the process, additional information


php symfony, html, css, javacript, mysql apache

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